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Rondelle Grower diamètre 16
Rondelle Grower diamètre 12
Rondelle Grower diamètre 10
Rondelle Grower diamètre 8
Rondelle Grower diamètre 6
Raccord Hexagonal pour tige filetée M16x48
Raccord Hexagonal pour tige filetée M12x36
Raccord Hexagonal pour tige filetée M10x30
Raccord Hexagonal pour tige filetée M8x24
Raccord Hexagonal pour tige filetée M6x18
Hex head screw Diameter 5
Hex head screw Diameter 6
Hex head screw Diameter 8
Hex head screw Diameter 10
Hex head screw Diameter 12
Roofing bolt Diameter 4
Roofing bolt Diameter 5
Roofing bolt Diameter 6
Roofing bolt Diameter 8
Carriage bolt Diameter 6
Carriage bolt Diameter 7
Carriage bolt Diameter 8
Carriage bolt Diameter 10
Carriage bolt Diameter 12
Threaded rod Ø4
Threaded rod Ø5
Threaded rod Ø6
Threaded rod Ø7
Threaded rod Ø8
Threaded rod Ø10
Threaded rod Ø12
Threaded rod Ø14
Threaded rod Ø16
Threaded rod Ø18
Threaded rod Ø20
Flat washer NFE25513 M
Flat washer NFE25513 L
Flat washer NFE25513 LL
Round coupling nut M6
Round coupling nut M8
Wing nut M4
Wing nut M5
Wing nut M6
Wing nut M8
Wing nut M10
Wing nut M12
Hex flange nut with serration M6
Hex flange nut with serration M8
Hex flange nut with serration M10
Hex flange nut with serration M12
Nylon insert nut M4
Nylon insert nut M5
Nylon insert nut M6
Nylon insert nut M8
Nylon insert nut M10
Nylon insert nut M12
Nylon insert nut M14
Nylon insert nut M16
Nylon insert nut M18
Nylon insert nut M20
Hex nut M4
Hex nut M5
Hex nut M6
Hex nut M7
Hex nut M8
Hex nut M10
Hex nut M12
Hex nut M14
Hex nut M16
Hex nut M18
Hex nut M20
Acorn / Dome cap nut M4